DCTV Crossover titled “Elseworlds”

Happy Wednesday heroes, we’ve learned the title for this years upcoming DCTV crossover event. It will be titled “Elseworlds” which is set to come out this December. The specific dates being December 9 for The Flash, December 10th for Arrow, and wrapping it up will be Supergirl on the 11th.  This crossover is set to take place in Gotham with Batwoman making her debut to the CW Universe being played by actress Ruby Rose.


For those not familiar with Elseworlds, it was a comic publication for DC Comics that told stories that were outside of the DC Universe canon. So I have to say that it’s interesting that this is the title they’re going with for this event. I’m hoping this doesn’t mean the story they’re planning to tell isn’t considered canon and it’s just a one and done story. With how much they’ve teased fans of the Batman mythos. It would be a disappointment to see it finally happen only to be told the story didn’t matter. Anyway, that’s my quick take. I’m still XBen3000 and I’m out!

Source: Twitter

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