Nintendo Direct 2017: Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Earlier today Nintendo streamed a new Nintendo Direct, which focuses on Xenoblade Chronicles 2.  The latest direct showcased some of the mechanics of the game as well as featuring a closer look at the game’s story. Some of the highlights of the direct include: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will feature dual audio in the form of day one DLC.  With the free DLC that will available on launch day, players will be able to play the game with original Japanese audio with English subtitles. The game’s main story features the main hero Rex who searches for a mystical…

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Daisuke Sakaguchi to portray Near in "Death Note: New Generation"

It was recently confirmed that the 42yr old voice actor Daisuke Sakaguchi will be portraying the successor of L, Near, in the upcoming three-part web drama “Death Note: New Generation”. He was recently heard during a short phone conversation during the second part of the series “Chapter Ryuzaku: Last Wishes”. Sakaguchi is best known for his portrayal of the 13yr old Gundam Pilot Uso Ewin from Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, as well as well as having an upcoming role in the new Digimon series as Hackmon. Huluにて絶賛配信中の『デスノート NEW GENERATION 竜崎篇・遺志』に、原作で人気のニアが登場しますが、演じているのは人気声優の阪口大助さんです!竜崎がデスノート捜査参加を決意するまでのストーリーに華を添えています。#デスノートLNW…

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