Ultraman Orb Episode 21 – The Girl with the Blue Ribbon Review

The first of the final episodes in the series, and it features an interesting mystery… The return of Hyper Zetton Deathscythe! How could this monster be back from the grave? Watch the episode on Crunchyroll, or read the spoiler filled summary below! Summary: S.S.P. discovers that there have been various sightings of Hyper Zetton Deathscythe, and with its appearances comes a mysterious girl that wears a blue ribbon. S.S.P. manages to discover the girl’s location at an elderly couple’s house, and Gai is already there adding to the mystery. The…

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Ultraman Orb Episode 5 – A Heart that Won’t Flee Review

In last week’s review I mentioned how the series seems to really be picking up, and that the following episodes could be leading to an amazing hype train. Now, how does that statement hold up with Ultraman Orb Episode 5? Well, one will just need to scroll down to read ‘My Thoughts’ on if the momentum continued… Summary: Gai stumbles across a doll in the park, and recounts the battle with Zetton while off in another part of the city Naomi is getting off and receives a call about an…

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