[Official Images] Mini-Pla Mashin Gattai Series 01 Kiramajin

Recently, Bandai’s official Candy Toy site updated with information regarding the first Mini-Pla release for Mashin Sentai Kirameiger. Titled Mini-Pla Mashin Gattai Series (Magical Combine Series) the first release will feature all five Majin vehicles which form the main mecha, Kiramajin. For those unaware, Mashin Sentai Kirameiger is the next Super Sentai series, which will succeed Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger in March. The Kirameigers partners are the magical stones and vehicles referred to as the Majin: Fire, Mach, Shovelo, Jetta, Heliocopter. In the series, all five combine to become Kiramajin, but…

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