According to the Vanderwerff Talent agency, two cast members were revealed for the upcoming Bakugan Battle Planet series. It has been revealed that Jonah Wineberg will be voicing Dan and Ticoon Kim will be voicing Shun. Along with those two reveals, Deven Mack revealed he will be playing Wynton Styles, who is a new character that will be introduced in the new series.
I'll be voicing Wynton Styles when #Bakugan returns to Cartoon Network and Teletoon this December with Bakugan Battle Planet. I certainly like his style(s).
— Deven Mack – Chaos/Sonic Prime 🦝🦔🥷🥧 (@DevenOClock) October 15, 2018
In addition to the casting news, the official C21 Media website has revealed that each episode will run for 11 minutes and will consist of 100 episodes/ 50 30-minute episodes.
As reported earlier the series will premiere this December on Cartoon Network in North America and on Teletoon in Canada. The series will also air on Cartoon Network in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America in 2019. The series will also launch in both Australia and New Zealand, however no premiere dates are confirmed at this time.
Source: ANN, C21 Media, Vanderwerff Talent, Deven Mack
[…] Brawlers franchise. The series debuted on Cartoon Network and Canada in December 2018. It was also reported that the series would also air in other countries sometime in […]