Mobile Suit Gundam Walpurgis Manga Announced

It was recently announced in the September issue of the Gundam Ace magazine that a new Gundam manga series titled, “Mobile Suit Gundam Walpurgis,” will be launching in the next issue of the magazine.  The next issue of the magazine will be released on August 26.  The manga will be illustrated by Hiyon Katsuragi and written by Reiji Kaito.

ANN provided a story synopsis for the manga series.

The story takes place in Universal Century 0089. The magazine describes the manga’s protagonist Mashiro Oaks as a high school student on Side 2 Colony “Olympus.” He gets the high score on a game titled “Walpurgis Night” and, by distributing the video on an underground network, he gets noticed. The tagline reads, “Young Man, defy your cursed fate!!”

“Chapter 0” of the manga will be distributed during an upcoming event on the Super Gundam Royale game.

The new manga series is a joint collaboration between Gundam Ace and Bandai Namco Entertainment as apart of the 15th anniversary of magazine as well as the 30th anniversary of Gundam video games.

Source: ANN,

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