Good morning heroes, today we are back with a review for the next installment in Power Rangers Prime. So, with issue two here we hope to learn more about this new world, and its characters. Especially, since this all-new original story is turning everything that we know about Power Rangers on its head. Now, in the last issue, we ended with a “certain visitor” from the moon coming to this Eltarian ruled Earth. Whereas, for those who already know who this person is, readers can assume things are going to get worse. Anyway, with the introduction out of the way, let us grab our Samuraizers and “Go, Go” into this review.
Comic Credits
- Artist:Michael YG
- Colorist: Fabi Marques
- Lettering: Ed Dukeshire
- Writer: Melissa Flores
- Designer: Madison Goyette
- Assistant Editor: Caroline Butler
- Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
- Editor-in-Chief: Matt Gagnon
- Cover Artist: Dan Mora
- Hasbro Special Thanks to Linda Lee, Tayla Reo & Ed Lane
[Warning: The following review contains spoilers, so readers should proceed at their own discretion]
So, our story begins immediately where the first issue left off with Rita Repulsa arriving to Earth. Here, Rita is adapting to the planet is seemingly surprised by the presences of the Morphing Grid’s energy. Although, Rita is interrupted by an Eltarian patrol force looking to detain her due to her unannounced arrival. Also, within this unit is this new universe’s version of Bulk, who quickly realizes Rita is a Space Witch. Especially, when Rita creates an oozing fire monster reminiscent of the 2017 Goldar to assist her. Additionally, Rita’s use of magic is implied to be incomplete, as she is unable to fully control her monster. Furthermore, Rita’s wand is much smaller, and she even acquires Lauren’s damaged Samuraizer during the scuffle with the patrol unit.
However, as Rita battles continues the story jumps to Mark and Jun who are shaken up by the recent impact. Here, Jun is helping Mark who is having an asthma-like attack, but accidentally refers to him with a slur. Specifically, the word is ‘rufee’ which most likely is a term directed towards the various alien refugees on Earth. However, Jun does apologize for the remark, but it seems his privilege and ignorance will continue to cause further problems. Although, these character traits will lead to him most likely learning on how to become a better individual. Additionally, what makes this discussion great is how the art team conveys these characters’ body language and reactions accordingly. Especially, when Mark asks Jun if he has ever seen an Eltarian Detention Center, and Jun is left completely clueless. Like it goes to show how some people are oblivious to others’ problems or situations when they are not visible. Furthermore, in regards to this story, Mark is even more concerned as to why Jun would want to help him.
Unfortunately, Mark does not get an immediate answer, as things return to Rita’s battle with the local law enforcement. Personally, I love seeing this new Rita being a hands-on threat and seemingly a solo act at the moment. Like having the monsters being an elemental extension of Rita lets fans see her be something more. However, the Eltarian, Janessa does manage to scratch Rita, causing her to bleed and fully lose control of her monster. Although, as stated early Rita’s magic might be incomplete or unstable, but possibly the Morphing Grid might be to blame. Especially, since Rita was been shown to have a rainbow-like slim on her hands, and was drawn to the Samuraizer. Additionally, Rita may have tried combining her magic with the Samuraizer’s Symbol Power, so the two powers might be conflicting. Yet, as the monster goes berserk and it attacks its master, Bulk goes out of his way to help Rita. So, this show readers that Bulk has a good heart, and wants to protect people even if they are criminals. Furthermore, I think concepts like this will be explored more where characters must make risky decisions to save one another.
Anyway, during Rita’s arrival, Orion and Lauren have to leave the apartment to go meet up with Mark and Jun. Surprisingly, Mark was unaware that Lauren was a Power Ranger until now, and only helped because he is inherently good. Whereas, Jun still remains to be a mysterious character since his reasons to help Mark or Lauren remains uncertain. Like Jun is either interested in Lauren because he is curious about Power Rangers, or wants to capture her himself. Currently, I believe Jun is aware that there is a conspiracy behind Power Rangers, and corruption within Eltar’s government. However, Jun is completely out of the loop and trying to unravel things to confirm or debunk his suspicions. Unfortunately, things get hectic when Jun’s roommate Valentina returns home, and wants to report Lauren to Jun’s mother. Interestingly, I somewhat respect Valentina’s because from her perspective having Lauren around will most likely ruin their lives. Sadly, Valentina is unaware that her own decisions later in this issue will become a greater mistake for everyone involved.
Yet, before readers can discover what Valentina did, our issue returns to Rita who has escaped with Bulk. During their time together, Bulk has already informed Rita on how Earth became a colony of Eltar. Interestingly, Rita makes a valid point toward Eltar’s reign, which is Eltarians have stripped Earth and humans of their identity. As a result, mankind has no sense of self due to the colonization, and act subservient to Eltar. So, it is safe to assume that another theme alongside stopping colonization is the sense of having an identity. For example, the rebellion against Eltar occurs and Earth becomes something people are more familiar with, citizens will discover themselves. Also, with this inevitable revolution occurring, will this lead to other planets getting involved, including ones under Eltar’s control? If so, this could be one lengthy battle against what seems to be an absolute long regime.
Now, we finally come to big shocking ending to this issue, Valentina decided to call her boyfriend, Ryan. However, it is not just any random guy named Ryan, it is the Ryan Steele of the VR Troopers! In addition, Ryan does not appear to be taking Valentina suggestion to talk thing out with Jun. Yet, instead Ryan is looking to gear up and coming in guns blazing to capture a Power Ranger. So, that means next time we will see a possible three versus one situation with Lauren fighting the VR Troopers. Also, I was not expecting to see the VR Troopers play such a proactive role in this current run. Like I assumed they were going to be cameo characters that would be promoted to larger supporting roles later on. So, for them to join the main plot three issues in, they most likely will be reoccurring villains. Although, I hope these incarnations of the characters go through an arc where they realize they are the bad guys. Especially, since the VR Trooper’s Grid Battle Suits were reused Power Rangers props in the actual show.
Overall, this issue is another solid installment that advances the main plot, and introduces readers to the Prime Era. Currently, I am excited to see where Melissa Flores takes this story, especially with what seeds have been planted. Like we have the VR Troopers being Eltarian lapdogs, and Rita Repulsa plotting something with Bulk as her minion. So, there are several routes for this story to go before answering the question, “If evil can be redefined as order, then what signifies good?” Anyway, for fans wanting to experience this book, it is now available at comic book stores and digital providers. Whereas, I have been Ben, and I will see everyone next time whether it be a news or review post. Although, if it is a review, that next post will be next year with Power Rangers Prime #3.