Recently a new prequel manga for Gundam Unicorn launched in the December issue of the Monthly Gundam Ace magazine. The manga is titled, “Mobile Suit Gundam UC Bande Dessinée Episode: 0,” and is written by Kouzo Oomari. Mobile Suit Gundam UC Bande Dessinée Episode: 0 takes reference from “The Postwar War” (Sengo no Senso) short story that was featured in the 11th volume of the original Mobile Suit Gundam UC novels. The manga focuses on the Neo Zeon remnants as they steal the Sinanju Stein mobile suit. The manga’s character illustrations were designed by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Hajime Katoki worked on the mechanical designs. The original Mobile Suit Gundam UC Bande Dessinée manga series…
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