Kamen Rider EX-Aid Q3 Toy Catalog Scans Revealed *Spoilers

Recently new toy catalog scans have surfaced online, which reveal several interesting developments for Kamen Rider EX-Aid.

*Keep in mind this article contains spoilers so read at your own discreet.

First, Kamen Rider EX-Aid’s final form has been revealed.  By using the Hyper Muteki Gashat he will be able to henshin into Kamen Rider EX-Aid Muteki Gamer.

Next, it has been revealed that Kamen Rider Para-DX will be receiving a new form.  By using his own GamerDriver he wil lbe able to henshin into Kamen Rider Para-DX Perfect Knockout Fighter Gamer.  With this form he will be receiving a new weapon called the ParabraGun.



The scans also reveal the existence of a new henshin device called the DX Buggle Driver II.  The device includes the Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat, which can be used to henshin the user into Kamen Rider Chronos. Currently no other details about the form has not be confirmed so stay tuned for updates.


Lastly, it has been revealed that Pipopapo will be able to transform into a Kamen Rider.  By utilizing the Crisis Gashat and the Buggle Driver II, she will be able to henshin into Kamen Rider Poppy.


Source: Dukemon, Tokunation


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