Bandai Namco Entertainment has updated their official Youtube channel with the intro cinematic for the upcoming Accel World VS. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight video game. The cinematic features the game’s theme song titled “,SxW – Soul World,” performed by Kotoko and Luna Haruna.
The game will be released in Japan on March 16 on the PS Vita and Playstation 4. Those who preorder the game will also receive costumes based on the Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale film for Kirito and Asuna as well as a download code for Sachi (Alfheim Online Version).
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight will feature the following characters.
Sword Art Online
- Kirito
- Asuna
- Lisbeth
- Silica
Accel World
- Kuroyukihime (Black Lotus)
- Silver Crow
- Scarlet Rain
- Lime Bell
Source: ANN, Bandai Namco Entertainment