Earlier today Marvel’s twitter released the first Black Panther poster. I have to say it speaks volumes club members. It really gives off the vibe of Wakanda without trying and I appreciate that. I think what I love about it most is that it’s just T’Challa. Even though the Photoshop could have been done better, but that’s a completely different post all together.
Also for my sports fans, during the NBA Finals game 4, were getting a  teaser trailer for the film. I didn’t think Marvel would put this out until SDCC, but I’m not complaining. It’s the perfect opportunity to get so many eyes on this trailer that’s not the super bowl. Comic fans, if sports aren’t your thing, I guess you’ll have to wait until it goes live online which usually is a few minutes after it plays on television.
That said let me know what you think in the comments. Also for those sports fans, I have the warriors winning tonight against the cavs. Until the Black Panther trailer, I’m XBen3000 and I’m out!
Source: Marvel Twitter