What’s happening heroes? We have the final trailer for the upcoming season of Gotham. It is entitled “This is The End” and honestly it feels that way with this trailer. It feels as though the show is coming to a solid ending with the characters we have been following for the past couple years are going to have this one last push; a push that will turn them into the iconic characters that we have come to know and love.
Now, I have not watched Gotham since season two I want to say, so I plan on watching it later this week. Then give my thoughts on the past seasons in some form later on. Gotham is a show I enjoyed for what it did with the Batman mythos; seeing Bruce, Selina, Gordon, Edward, and Cobblepot become characters I enjoy. I cannot help but smile seeing it all come together. Anyway, trailer is down below and please let us know your feelings on Gotham.