Straight out of the web-series, Gundam Build Fighters: Battlogue, it is the Gundam Lightning Black Warrior. This Gunpla/ Mobile Suit is a black and gold recolor of Mejin Kawaguchi’s Amazing Red Warrior. However, this Gunpla was built Yuuma Kousaka, and features additional weapons like its new huge cannon! In addition, the Lightning Black Warrior is one of the few retail releases based on the Gunpla seen the Battlogue series, and recent special Gundam Build Fighters: GM’s Counterattack. Furthermore, people who maybe wondering why this item is called the Lightning Black Warrior instead of the Black Lightning Warrior; the answer I could come up with is that it could be copyrights issue with the DC comics character! Never the less, check out and enjoy the full video review on this Gunpla!