Deadline has reported that a second animated project based on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is currently in production for Netflix. The project will be separate from the previously announced project that will be produced by Kevin Smith. Unlike Smith’s project, the second series will be animated in CG. The series will be produced by Adam Bonnet, Jeff Matsuda, Susan Corbin, and Mattel Television. Christopher Keenan and Rob David will be working as the executive producers on the project. Bryan Q Miller will be working as the story editor on the series. Animation will be helm by House of Cool and CGCG.Â
Deadline provided a short synopsis.
“On the planet of Eternia, a young lost prince discovers the powers of Grayskull and transforms into He-Man, Master of the Universe! The classic battle between He-Man and evil Skeletor rages to new heights as both hero and villain forge new and mighty teams. A new generation of heroes fighting for the fate of us all. In the end, who will become Master of the Universe?”
Additionally, an official poster for the project was revealed.
No other details are confirmed at this time so stay tuned for updates.
Source: Deadline
[…] series targeted for a younger demographic. For those who are not aware, the series was one of the two series based on the He-Man franchise alongside “Masters of the Universe: Revelations,” that […]