[Japan World Heroes 2023] Ultraman Gaia’s Takeshi Yoshioka Panel

Last weekend, Power Morphicon’s sister-show Japan World Heroes had its third event, and it was held in Burbank, California. Additionally, this year’s convention seemed to be the most packed for its guest roster when compared to previous ones. Coincidentally, like its first event, Japan World Heroes 2023 managed to host lead talents from the big three tokusatsu franchises. For the Ultra Series, the convention featured the “First Lady of UltraHiroko Sakurai, and Ultraman Gaia star Takeshi Yoshioka. Then from the world of Super Sentai, Hero-Club’s latest interview guest Go-On Red himself, Yasuhisa Furuhara was in attendance. Whereas, the guest of honor was the star of Kamen Rider Gaim, the man who portrayed Kouta Kazuraba, Gaku Sano.


Now, as the title for this article suggests, this features a recording of Takeshi Yoshioka‘s panel in its entirety. So, for those who were unable to attend this event, here is a second chance to partake in the festivities. Anyways, without further ado we hope people enjoy this 30-minute panel with Ultraman Gaia Takeshi Yoshioka!

Also, if anyone wants to follow my other channels here is the rundown:

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