Deadline has reported that a sequel miniseries to the Masters of the Universe: Revelation series is currently in the works. The series will be named “Masters of the Universe: Revolution,” and will feature the return of Mattel Television along with Powerhouse Animation. Netflix states the series is stated to feature a “standalone story” and also states that the series will focus on the battle of He-Man vs. Skeletor “like you never seen them before.” Currently no other details are confirmed at this time so stay tuned for updates.
Netflix also provided a poster for the new series.
I personally enjoyed Masters of the Universe: Revelation, but I do admit the promotion behind the series was badly misleading. Due to various reasons the series ended up not being a full sequel to the original 80s show, but was produced more as a spiritual successor to the series. That being said while I also feel that the pacing of the show was a problem in the end it was worth the journey by the end. Outside of the actual promotional problems the series also badly suffered from Netflix release schedules so it was an unfortunate circumstance how it was released more than anything else.
Source: Deadline