Recently a new teaser trailer for the upcoming Mazinger Z animated film was shown during the Annecy Film Festival earlier this week. The trailer reveals that the film will feature a combination of 3D models with 2D line art. The film is set to premiere in Europe before it’s premiere in Japan.
The film’s production cast consists of:
- Go Nagai: Original Creator
- Junju Shimizu: Director
- You Nakano: Assistant Director
- Takahiro Ozawa: Screenplay
- Takayuki Yanase: Mecha Design
- Hiroya Iijima: Character Design
- Toshiyuki Watanabe : Music
- Ichiro Mizuki : Opening Theme
- Toei Animation: Production
- Toei: Distribution
The film will be set 10 years after the original series. The main two returning characters; Koji Kabuto and Sayaka Yumi will be played by Showtaro Morikubo and Ai Kayano respectively.
Source: Crunchyroll, Crunchyroll 2