recently uploaded a preview video for episode 8 of Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt on their official Youtube channel. The eighth episode of the series will be released on on July 14th at 12 P.M. JST and will be available for free until July 27 at 12:00 PM JST.
【Story: Episode 8】
Having entered the jungle, the Acguy team finds itself in a fierce battle with the South Seas Alliance’s Dahle forces. Refusing to abandon his mission of contacting the spy, Daryl is backed into a corner.
Meanwhile, the South Seas Alliance’s border garrison has deployed Goufs and Do-dais to block the Spartan’s path. As they resort to suicide attacks in an attempt to break into the ship, what are they trying to achieve?
In order to confirm the identity of the garrison commander, who gives her name as Claudia Peer, Io boards a GM Ground Type-C and fights together with Bianca’s Corvette Booster. Intercepting the Goufs and Do-dais, they take them down one by one. The three-way fighting continues to intensify, in the dense jungle and at high altitude…