During the Gundam Game New Year Festival 2018, Bandai Namco made several Gundam video game announcements. With the stream being made for Japanese audiences, most of the announcements were for games available in Japan’s video game market. This included a new SD Gundam game for Nintendo Switch and several new DLC items for Gundam Versus. There has been no confirmation of when or if these games will come to the rest of the world, except for one. A brand-new Gundam Breaker game was announced during the livestream and it was confirmed several hours later to be releasing in the North American market. Bandai Namco UK have also confirmed the game for release in their market as well. The fourth game in the Gundam Breaker series, New Gundam Breaker features gameplay based around the Gunpla model kits with the concept of customizing mobile suits by gathering parts during battle. The game is currently scheduled for a 2018 release exclusively on Playstation 4. You can check out the trailer for New Gundam Breaker below as well as the full Gundam Game New Year Festival 2018 livestream. Let us know below in the comments or on social what you think of this new Gundam game announcement or any of the other announcements made today.
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