Coming this December we’ve learned that artist Dylan Burnett and writer Ed Brisson are coming together as the new creative team for X-Force. What’s making this version so different from past incarnations is that we have the original team assembling for revenge. That’s right Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Boom Boom, and Warpath are coming together to form the mutant team that crosses the line. To quote Brisson’s interview with Marvel about the upcoming series.
“Within the Marvel Universe, the X-Men have always been the outsiders, the black sheep. And X-Force are the outsiders within the X-Men. They’re the team willing to do the things that no one else in the Marvel Universe will and that’s something that appeals to my sensibilities a great deal,” explains Brisson, the mastermind behind the death and devastation happening in EXTERMINATION. “Right now we have a couple of different things going on with X-Force. Coming out of EXTERMINATION, Domino, Shatterstar, Cannonball, and Warpath are reeling from the loss of their mentor and have unanswered questions. They’re on the hunt for this new Kid Cable to get those answers—some want his head, some just want to talk to him to find out what the hell is going on. Is this really their Cable? Is this an impostor?
“We’re going to learn more about Kid Cable and establish what sets him apart for the Cable that people know. We’re going to get into his history and have some really exciting stories cooking with a laundry list of X-Force villains.” The writer concludes, “There are layers to be peeled back, but nothing is what it initially seems.”
Artist Burnett went onto saying the following about what it means to be working on X-Force.
“X-force has always been the one X-team that stood out the most for me,” says Burnett. “A lot of my favorite mutants have belonged to it over the years (namely Cable and Psylocke) but being able to bring back the original lineup in a new way is a huge honor. They’re just a bunch of badasses. It’s dope. I’m stoked.”.
So I have to say that I’m interested in seeing what this team will do. Having two people who are X-Men fans and being able to tell a story using those characters. I couldn’t imagine a happier feeling than that. As always, let us know if you’re going to pick it up down below. Finally, the cover down below was done by Pepe Larraz.
Source: Marvel