[Comic Review] Power Rangers Prime #3 *SPOILER WARNING*

Good morning and happy Wednesday, as today is another day for new comic book releases from our favorite publishers. So, as the title suggests today we are returning to the Prime Era of Power Rangers with its latest installment. Now, with today’s issue and review, we will finally get to see a new Power Ranger emerge in this Eltar ruled world. Although, the way that we get to this moment is one that I nor others on staff did not expect. Yet, it goes to further show that we are not in a standard Power Rangers universe that fans are truly use to. Especially, when we are forced to see things transpire on a month-to-month basis through the comics presently. Anyway, without prattling on more, let us morph back into action as leap into this review for Power Rangers Prime #3!


Comic Credits

  • Artist:Michael YG
  • Colorist: Fabi Marques
  • Lettering: Ed Dukeshire
  • Writer: Melissa Flores
  • Designer: Madison Goyette
  • Assistant Editor: Caroline Butler
  • Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
  • Editor-in-Chief: Matt Gagnon
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora
  • Hasbro Special Thanks to Linda Lee, Tayla Reo & Ed Lane


[Warning: The following review contains spoilers, so readers should proceed at their own discretion]



Our newest issue begins two years before the main ongoing story at the Angel Grove Natural History Museum. Here, Mark is shown as an intern at the museum as part of a research group associated with the university. Although, it is explained that “the museum used to be open to all,” so it is currently privatized. So, it immediately makes me wonder what incidents or research discoveries caused the museum to be closed off. Especially, when Mark and his professor notice one of the rooms were left open and not locked properly. Furthermore, the open room appears to have a large Power Coin or dinosaur fossil smashed on the examination table…


Anyway, following that room being securely locked the story transitions back to the present day at Angel Grove University. Specifically, Jun’s dorm room where our band of misfits are holding up, and Valentina reintroduces herself to everyone. Now, what I easily enjoy about Valentina is the dynamic between her and Lauren. Like Valentina is so reserved towards helping Lauren, that she will only do it if it rids her of Lauren. Especially, since Valentina knows Jun’s mother will surely discover that they are harboring a fugitive Power Ranger. Interestingly, as Valentina and Jun argue, Fabi Marques highlights the discourse through warm and cool colors. For example, when Valentina is heated, she is surrounded by red while the others have magenta and indigo backgrounds. Also, it further compliments Michael YG’s ability to depict body language since not everyone is active in the argument. However, before the arguement gets too heated, Mark comes through with a method for Lauren to get a new morpher.


Meanwhile, our favorite space witch, Rita takes her new servant, Bulk to what appears to be the Command Center. However, due to the Eltarian occupation it is currently a self-help resort managed by a certain Jungle Fury Ranger. Although, Rita has no time for a spa day, so she decides to pull a Seth Rollin’s and burn it down. Also, I have to praise the art team again for their panel layouts and use of colors. Like the previous argument, they continue to use close-ups with simple backgrounds featuring different temperatures to indicate a discussion’s intensity. For some artists they say to not rely on this too much, but here it just feels right. Whereas, upon burning down the resort, Rita proceeds to question Bulk on everything he knows regarding the Power Rangers.


Eventually, everyone begins to converge on the museum, as Mark and Orion tell the group they work there after hours. Also, we learn that Valentina’s father is very uptight and a high-ranking official working for the Eltarians. In addition, from the conversation we discover that Valentina wants power as a means to do whatever she pleases. So, it makes me wonder what she will do if she is given the ability to become a Ranger. However, as they are talking, Valentina is informing the VR Troopers of their whereabouts so they can capture Lauren. Unfortunately, things go awry once Rita arrives at the museum and she blasts her way into it. Furthermore, Rita tells Bulk how she is connected to Morphing Grid, as the bond was intended to keep her good. Whereas, Bulk is surprised that the Morphing Grid exists, while having believed it to only being a myth. As a result, Rita beings to ponder about what other lies the Eltarians have instilled upon their colonized planets.


So, with the alarm triggered the two groups finally meet, and Rita realizes Lauren is a Power Ranger. Specifically, Rita can tell she has Lauren’s morpher, and infers that she used it to power her wand. So, it appears that this universe’s Rita actually requires resources to properly use and boost her magic. However, Lauren is also quick to realize that Rita is an enemy, and she springs into action to combat her. Here, the art team really goes to great length to showcase the action pertaining to Lauren and Rita’s fight. In addition, the panels showing the police and the VR Troopers arriving at the museum add depth to the situation.


Then as for the VR Troopers, with their arrival the Eltarian law enforcement immediately begin to stand back for them. So, this indicates that the VR Troopers are seen a special forces unit and first line of defense for citizens. However, before the Troopers can enter the museum, Rita realizes they are all trapped and now forced to work together. As a result, Rita makes a deal with Lauren for their survival, which combines their powers to create new Rangers. Ultimately, this leads to Rita turning Lauren Shiba into Ranger Prime Red, making her stronger than before. Whereas, I like to assume this is a Zeo reference, since Rita’s magic and the Samurai Symbol Power feel similar. Especially, since the Symbol Power is both elemental and mystical, so Rita’s magic should double Lauren’s power. Although, I assume Rita also tapped into the Power Coins, possibly being onsite, due to the suit’s obvious design. Yet, this is how our issue ends with the birth of a new Power Ranger to stop our Eltarian overlords.


Overall, the stakes have been raised in this issue, as Rita is forced to become a mentor to Rangers. So, it will be interesting how Rita will fill the role of Zordon, especially since here she is an anarchist. Yet, everyone including the readers know Rita is a villain, but due to circumstances she is becoming an unintentional hero. Although, with her connection to the Morphing Grid, Rita will maybe undergo a full heroic change into the Mystic Mother. As a result, I am curious as to where this universe’s Zordon and Zedd, especially given Zedd’s comic origin. Like should readers assume they are either dead, ruling as Eltarian overlords, or leading resistance groups? Also, what is going to happen to Jun and Valentina moving forward since they are related to high-ranking government officials? Yet, these questions are left uncertain for the moment, but will hopefully be answered in due time. Anyways, hats off to Melissa Flores for writing another epic chapter in Power Rangers’ history. Nevertheless, I have been Ben Odinson, and I surely cannot wait for Power Rangers Prime #4 next month!

Final Rating: 5 out of 5 Samuraizers

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