Good morning and happy Wednesday, as today is another day for new comic book releases from our favorite publishers. So, as the title suggests today we are returning to the Prime Era of Power Rangers with its latest installment. Now, with today’s issue and review, we will finally get to see a new Power Ranger emerge in this Eltar ruled world. Although, the way that we get to this moment is one that I nor others on staff did not expect. Yet, it goes to further show that we are…
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TWK Reviews Episode 99: The Simpsons Hit and Run (Patreon Request)
Hello Hero-Club, welcome everyone to a review for the acclaimed licensed game, The Simpsons: Hit and Run. Now, the game was originally a Playstation 2 exclusive title in 2003, but was later ported to other systems. Whereas, it is another adaptation for one of the longest running media properties created within the past fifty years. So, for those who do not know about the Simpsons, I suggest checking out its re-runs on FXX or binging the show on Disney+. However, the game was developed by Radical Entertainment who previously…
Read More[Interview] Actor & Suit Performer Kurt Carley on Godzilla (98), the Underworld Series & More!
Hey there Heroes, today Hero-Club is proud to present the first of its two brand new interviews for December! So, starting us off is an interview with actor and suit performer, Mr. Kurt Carley hosted by our editor-in-chief Wheelchair21. Now, for those unaware, Mr. Carley was the main suit performer in Godzilla (1998) where he played both Zilla and its child. Although, regarding Baby Godzilla, Mr. Carley was one of many actors that brought the several children to life. Whereas, even to this date many are still surprised that Godzilla…
Read More[Interview] The Star of “Ultraman: Towards the Future” Dore Kraus Appears
Today, Hero-Club is proud to announce that we have officially interviewed our first Ultraman host and it is Dore Kraus! Now, for those unaware Dore Kraus is the star of Ultraman: Toward the Future, Ultraman Great’s host, Jack Shindo. Additionally, the series is consider one of the lesser known shows due to how it was mismanaged. Especially, since Ultraman: Towards the Future was during Tsuburaya Productions attempt for an international expansion in the 90’s. Furthermore, following this series’ conclusion there has been licensing issues halting its home media distribution in…
Read More[Interview] Meeting Power Rangers’ Actor John Tui @PMC2024
Today, we have a surprise interview from this year’s Power Morphicon, and it is with the amazing John Tui! For those unaware, John Tui is one of the few actors to play two different Ranger characters within the franchise. First, he was Doggy Kruger in Power Rangers S.P.D., and in the following year he played Daggeron in Mystic Force. Now, both characters are essentially sixth or extra Rangers that were also the main teams’ mentors. However, after Power Rangers, John Tui’s acting career really took off when he made the…
Read More[Con Report] Power Morphicon 2024: The Entire Weekend Rundown
Last weekend, the biannual Power Rangers convention, Power Morphicon was held in Pasadena, California from August 23rd to the 25th. As per usual, the event was held at the Pasadena Convention Center, which is part of the greater Marriott branding. Additionally, the accompanying Sheraton Pasadena Hotel was rebranded, as the Dena last Summer, joining the Tribute Portfolio series. So, the revamped hotel was a subtle change for attendees returning to the show following PMC 2022. However, the event’s housing did not change within the past few shows, excluding its temporary…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 77: Spider-Man 2 is the Champion of Superhero Games
Hello there Hero-Club, TDub here, and is it great to be able to post to the site again. Also, what a video I have today for my return, as I am looking at Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Now, this sequel was one of my most anticipated games, which I waited for with every fiber of my being. Coincidentally, as far as consoles are concerned, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a Playstation 5 exclusive. Whereas, out of all the exclusives thus far, I believe the Spider-Man games best showcase the system’s full power.…
Read More[Interview] Actor Bruno Patrick (Guyver Zoanoid in Guyver 2: Dark Hero)
Well, it is time to get Bio-Boosted and Biomorph with the Guyver Zoanoid, Arlen Crane from Guyver 2: Dark Hero. Yes, our guest for today’s interview is Bruno Patrick (credited as Bruno Gianotta), who portrayed the film’s main antagonist. So, our interview goes over how Bruno landed the role, crafted the character, and other behind-the-scenes information. Also, we discuss what is like getting back into acting, and attending conventions. Especially, since this interview was arranged from us learning about the film’s anniversary screening and Bruno’s appearance at RoboToyFest. Anyway, we…
Read More[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116
Today, we have our review for the first Mighty Morphin Power Rangers issue of the new year. Sadly, we did not receive the review copy from Boom! Studios on time, so we are covering it now. Currently, we are continuing through the Darkest Hour with this issue which follows Drakkon and Ranger Slayer. So, who knows what will happen when these two have reunited? Although, many already know this was a great encounter that leads to a battle of life and death. Anyway, let us get ‘back to action,’ and…
Read More[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115
Good Morning and Happy Holidays heroes! Today, we have our review for the last Mighty Morphin Power Rangers issue of the year. Yeah, this issue is out today, December 27, to close out 2023 before we head into 2024 and issue 116. Coincidentally, I cannot believe the end of the year is already here, but hey everyone, we did it. Thanks again to everyone who has come to read our comic book reviews this past year. Also, it has been a blast working with Boom! Studios, and get to continuing…
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