Marvel Entertainment has updated their official Youtube channel with a new trailer for Thor: Ragnarok. The latest trailer features Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie), Mark Rufallo (Hulk/ Bruce Banner), and director, Taika Waititi, as they talk about the Revengers. Thor: Ragnarok will premiere in theaters on November 3. Source: Marvel Entertainment
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Thor: Ragnarok Teaser Trailer Streamed
Marvel Entertainment has posted the first teaser for Thor: Ragnarok on their official Youtube channel. The trailer features a look at the film’s story and it seems it’s going to be a crazy ride. Some of the highlights of the trailer include Hela’s takeover of Asgard and the first look of the battle between Thor and the Hulk. Thor: Ragnarok will premiere in theaters on November 3. Source: Marvel Entertainment
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