Tokyo Book Store Village Books has announced that a Mazinger Z and Transformers crossover manga will be released in Japan titled, “Mazinger Z X Transformers.” The manga will be written by Yuujin Ishikawa that will feature a summary by Naoto Tsushima. The manga is said to be illustrated similar to American style comics in where multiple artists will working on project instead of a single artist. The manga will illustrated by Yuu Kinutani, Hayato Sakamoto, Eiji Yoshioka, Kazumi Hoshi, Naoyuki Fujisawa, and Naoto Tsushima. Go Nagai will be working as the cover illustrator for the manga. The manga will also…
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Kamen Rider V3 Blu-Ray Release Announced
Toei Video has recently announced that they will be releasing the Kamen Rider V3 series on Blu-Ray. For those who aren’t aware Kamen Rider V3 was the direct sequel to the original Kamen Rider series. The series ran from February 1973 – February 1974. Kamen Rider V3 ran for 52 episodes and also had two films. Kamen Rider V3 was also the only officially licensed Kamen Rider series in North America, which was released by JN Productions’ Generation Kikaida in 2001. Those who are interested in the official DVD copy of the series can order via the Generation Kikaida official website. The series will be split…
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