Recently several more cast member for the Digimon Adventure Tri dub cast have been revealed. The confirmed cast members now include: Agumon- Tom Fahn Greymon- Kyle Hebert Matt- Vic Mignogna Gabumon and Garurumon- Kirk Thornton Sora- Colleen O’Shaughnessey Birdramon- Melodee Spevack Izzy- Mona Marshall Tentomon and Kabuterimon- Jeff Nimoy Joe- Robbie Daymond Gomamon- R. Martin Klein Mimi- Philece Sampler Palmon- Anna Garduno Togemon- Mari Devon TK- Johnny Yong Bosch Patamon- Laura Summer Angemon- Dave Mallow Kari- Tara Sands Gatomon- Kate Higgins Meiko- Cristina Vee Meicoomon- Kate Higgins With these new reveals the…
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