The first episode of the Dances with the Dragons anime series premiered on the FunimationNow service on Saturday, which revealed the English dub cast of the show. The cast includes: Garret Storms: Gayus Levina Soleil Josh Bangle: Gigina Jardi Doruk Meleios Ashley-Bufh Megan Shipman: Jivenya Lorezzo Janelle Lutz: Nidvork Garrett Schenck: Mouldeen Oujes Gunei Natalie Hoover: Curaçao Opte Kouga Kyle Igneczi: Horton Brandon McInnis: Helodel Jeremy Inman: Rolca Klem Bagfotte Jad Saxton: Jokanne Rachael Messer: Xenobia Ilm Jeska Madeleine Morris: Arzel Sonny Strait: Sazaran The English production team consists of:…
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Additional Cast for Funimation’s Dragon Ball Super ‘Future Trunks’ Arc
Funimation has recently revealed new cast members for the upcoming Future Trunks arc for Dragon Ball Super. The new cast members include: Eric Vale: Future Trunks Colleen Clinkenbeard: Future Mai Sean Schemmel: Goku Black David Gray: Zamasu Garrett Schenck: Gowasu For those who haven’t been following the series, the Future Trunks arc debuted with episode 47 on June 12, 2016 in Japan and ran until episode 76, which aired on January 29, 2017. The Future Trunks arc will premiere this Saturday on Toonami with Episode 47. New episodes air at 10:30 p.m. Source: Funimation
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