Toei Animation has revealed that Aya Hisakawa will be taking over as the voice actress for Dragon Ball’s Bulma. She will be taking over the mantle after the passing of Hiromi Tsuru, who passed away on November 16 last year. For those who are unaware, Tsuru was the main voice of Bulma as far back as the original Dragon Ball series. It is has been revealed that Tsuru recorded her lines up to the 128th episode of Dragon Ball Super, which will air on Sunday, February 18. Hisakawa is currently set to voice the character in all future Dragon Ball related productions. Hisakawa is…
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The Drop Episode 18: In Memory of Hiromi Tsuru
Fighter xaos is hit hard by the news of Hiromi Tsuru’s passing and decides to dedicate this episode to her memory. Fighter xaos also covers Marvel Comics new Editor In Chief and Arika’s new fighting game. There were somethings left on the cutting room floor like the Justice League movie and more. However, do not forget viewers can suggest topics through social media, the comments section, or in the Hero Club Discord. Yes, Fighter xaos does check the Hero Club Discord, too! Follow Me Here: FIGHTER XAOS on Facebook & Instagram! Twitter: @ikariradio…
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