It is finally time for I, Wheelchair21, to begin looking at the Mini-Pla series for Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger. For this installment in the Super Sentai series, the mecha are referred to as the VS Vehicles and currently consist of either the Dial Fighters, or the Trigger Machines. The Lupinrangers are paired with the Dial Fighter, aerial vehicles ranging between planes and VTOLs; they combine with the Good Striker to form Lupin Kaiser. Now, for the Candy Toy version several of the feature remain on these…
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Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu Ep 36 – What’s to Love About Tokusatsu?
Welcome to an all-new episode of “Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu!” This week’s episode is the first of two episodes set as our winter break; with each episode having segments where the cast looks back at 2017, and shares their hopes for 2018. Now, this first episode in our winter break has Soundout, and Wheelz briefly joined by VisibleNinja. Together they talk about their individual love for tokusatsu, or at least how they feel in love with the genre. However, during the episode Visibleninja scurries off to bed during the recording,…
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