Today, Toei Animation has released the first official trailer for their next installment in the Digimon Adventure films, Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. The film will serve as a sequel to the Digimon Adventure tri. film series, and commemorate the 20th anniversary of the anime’s premiere in Japan. Also, the film will take place 5 years after the events of Digimon Adventure tri. in 2010, where our Digi-destined are preparing to become adults; some are entering college, some are graduating, and others are just trying to find their careers. However,…
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Screening Date Revealed for Digimon Adventure Tri English Release
Eleven Arts and Toei Animation have given the official Screening Date for the first Digimon Adventure Tri film in the US. The screening will be a special Fathom Event on September 15th, being screened in over 300 theaters across the US, and followed by a theatrical release in major cities sometime in October. Source: AnimeNewsNetwork
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