[Interview] Meeting Power Rangers’ Actor John Tui @PMC2024

Today, we have a surprise interview from this year’s Power Morphicon, and it is with the amazing John Tui! For those unaware, John Tui is one of the few actors to play two different Ranger characters within the franchise. First, he was Doggy Kruger in Power Rangers S.P.D., and in the following year he played Daggeron in Mystic Force. Now, both characters are essentially sixth or extra Rangers that were also the main teams’ mentors. However, after Power Rangers, John Tui’s acting career really took off when he made the…

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[Con Report] Power Morphicon 2024: The Entire Weekend Rundown

Last weekend, the biannual Power Rangers convention, Power Morphicon was held in Pasadena, California from August 23rd to the 25th. As per usual, the event was held at the Pasadena Convention Center, which is part of the greater Marriott branding. Additionally, the accompanying Sheraton Pasadena Hotel was rebranded, as the Dena last Summer, joining the Tribute Portfolio series. So, the revamped hotel was a subtle change for attendees returning to the show following PMC 2022. However, the event’s housing did not change within the past few shows, excluding its temporary…

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