Ranger Theory: Green with Confusion

Welcome everyone to an all-new Ranger Theory, where today’s topic revolves around Jason David Frank’s iconic role as Tommy Oliver! Now, love him or hate him, Tommy Oliver is the embodiment of Power Rangers to many fans. The character’s arrival marked an immediate shift in the show, as things got serious for the fact Rita made Tommy her evil Green Ranger. As the Green Ranger, Tommy decimated the Power Rangers until her spell on him is broken, and he is immediately redeemed. This story arch easily captivated the audience, and…

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Ranger Theory: Master Vile & the Family Name

Greetings fellow Power Rangers fans! Today, is our inaugural edition of Ranger Theory, a series of editorials looking at some of the weird things in the franchise. Mostly the series will take in-depth looks at unaddressed plots, or character backgrounds which can normally be explained away as lazy writing. However, we will try to tackle these topics and ideas as it is meant to be within the series canon/ lore.   Now, for our first Ranger Theory, we will discussing the Vile family and how every member has a different…

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