Following the finale of Kamen Rider Build, Toei announced a V-Cinema spin-off for Kamen Rider Cross-Z. Titled “Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z,” the film will follow Ryuga Banjou during the aftermath of the series. The film will focus on Ryuga’s goal to continue being a Kamen Rider, and will obtain an all-new power. This new power comes in the form of the brand new, Muscle Galaxy Full Bottle! How will things be for Ryuga’s new life within this new world? Now, the DX Muscle Galaxy Full Bottle will be included…
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Official Images: S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z Charge
Bandai Tamashii has updated the official sub page for their S.H.Figuarts releases on Kamen Rider Build with the release details for S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z Charge. For those who have not been following the series, Banjou Ryuga, aka Kamen Rider Cross-Z was able to transform into this form with the power of the Dragon SclashJelly and the Sclash Driver. Now by looking at the gallery, the figure will include several sets of hands, as well as his trusty Twin Breaker and the Dragon Sclashjelly. In addition, the site indicates that S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z Charge is a retail release. The figure will be apart of the…
Read MoreReview: Kamen Rider Build DX Sclash Driver (変身ベルト スクラッシュドライバー)
Hello Hero Club, this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. The DX Sclash Driver is cool, however I can understand that it may not be the best value out of the box. The driver does include two Sclashjellies, which is nice, however that is almost about all it has going for it. This is because the main two sounds the driver features are almost exclusive to the two included “gimmicks.” The driver does not read any of the other full bottles (sans Dragon & Robot) as…
Read MoreOfficial Images: S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z
Premium Bandai has updated with an official pre-order page for S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Cross-Z. For those who haven’t been following Kamen Rider Build, Kamen Rider Cross-Z is Banjo Ryuga aka the secondary rider for the series. The figure will include: Exchangeable wrists (LeftX2, RightX3) Beat Closer Beat Closer parts Cross-Z Dragon Dragon Full Bottle Lock Full Bottle Pre-orders for the figure will open on December 15 at 4 P.M. JST and the item will be released in June 2018 priced at 5,400 Yen. Those who are interested should contact their preferred middleman for more details. Source: Premium Bandai
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