Review: Star Wars Rogue One 3.75 Inch Jedha Revolt Multi-Pack

Hello Hero Club, this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. Today we will be looking at the awesome Jedha Revolt Multipack. Unlike the Battle on Takadona Multi-Pack the Jedha Revolt Multi-Pack is worth the asking price.  The set includes three exclusive figures with really great designed sculpts.  Saw Gerrera is my most favorite of the set and I think Hasbro did a pretty good job in creating the likeness of Forest Whitaker.  While I can’t say it is 100% spot on it is pretty good for…

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Review: Star Wars Rogue One 3.75 Inch Sergeant Jyn Erso (Imperial Ground Crew Disguise)

In terms of actual sculpt I personally think the Imperial Ground Crew Disguise version of Sergeant Jyn Erso is far superior than the figure of her standard outfit.  The head sculpt on this version is much better in my opinion and I think the overall outfit looks much better on her.  That being said I can understand the inaccuracy on the symbol design on her suit and I agree that is is a bit obnoxious when compared to the standard Imperial Ground Crew figure.  In conclusion I personally think this…

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