Following the finale of Kamen Rider Build, Toei announced a Hyper Battle spin-off for Kamen Rider Rogue. Titled “Televi-kun Hyper Battle DVD: Kamen Rider Prime Rogue,” the spin-off will feature an upgrade form, Kamen Rider Prime Rogue; the form is shown to utilize a variant of the FullFull Rabbit Tank Bottle that takes the form of a crocodile head. Furthermore, the Hyper Battle video will address why Gentoku began wearing a leather jacket in the series. Now, more details on this Hyper Battle will be revealed in Televi-kun magazine’s October…
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Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger May Scans *SPOILERS*
It is that time again for updates and scans from Televikun magazine on our favorite tokusatsu series! These scan are previews for the upcoming events in Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger. In addition, all scans pertain specifically to episodes that will air in May. Please keep in mind these scans are consider as spoilers, so one should continue to read this article at his/her own discretion… The New Trigger Machine, Crane & Drill: The Patrangers will be acquiring a new VS Vehicle, a Trigger Machine similar…
Read MoreKaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger March Scans *SPOILERS*
It is that time again for updates and scans from Televikun magazine on our favorite tokusatsu series! These scan are previews for the upcoming events in Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger. In addition, all scans pertain specifically to episodes that will air in March. Please keep in mind these scans are consider as spoilers, so one should continue to read this article at his/her own discretion… The New Dial Fighter & Trigger Machine Two new mechas will appear in March; a Dial Fighter for the Lupinrangers…
Read MoreKamen Rider Build March Scans *SPOILERS*
It is that time again for updates and scans from Televikun magazine on our favorite tokusatsu series! These scan are previews for the upcoming events in Kamen Rider Build. In addition, all scans pertain specifically to episodes that will air in March. Please keep in mind these scans are consider as spoilers, so one should continue to read this article at his/her own discretion… RabbitRabbit & TankTank Forms! Kamen Rider Build soon will obtain the forms, RabbitRabbit and TankTank; to obtain these forms Sento will use the FullFull…
Read MoreKaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger February Scans *Spoilers
Recently the February scans for Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger have surfaced online. The latest scans feature a look at the events that will happen on the show throughout the month of February. *Keep in mind this article contains spoilers so read at your own discreet. First, new details about the villains of the show were revealed. For those who haven’t been following, the villains for the series will be known as the Gangler. To go with the show’s theme, the Ganglers will have a safe in their chest, which will allow them to…
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