Hello Hero Club, this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. Transformers Takara Legends LG-49 Triggerhappy is an example of how a bit of extra polish can make the overall presentation that much better. The Hasbro version of Triggerhappy was decent enough, however the new white and potentially different shade of blue color scheme that is featured on the Takara version of the character is stronger in my opinion. Not only that is great to see the first Decepticon Targetmaster (sans Nightstick from Generations Deluxe Class Cyclonus)…
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Review: Transformers Titan Returns Deluxe Class Twin Twist
Hello Hero Club, this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. It is great to see that both Twin Twist and Topspin made in into the Generations line. Seeing as both characters are somewhat more obscure than even several of the Generation One characters it is awesome to see new updates for them. Twintwist isn’t too different compared to “his brother,” however the new tooled parts really help separate him from Topspin. In conclusion if you are fan of the Wreckers or the “Jumpstaters” than I highly…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Legends LG-46 Targetmaster Kup
Hello Hero Club, this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. When Hasbro announced that they would be making a new Kup I was excited to see a much better representation of the character get made for the Generations line. Seeing as the older Generations version didn’t quite reach my expectations I was quite happy to see that the character would be getting another update. However, that being said I decided to wait for Takara Tomy’s take on the character since the Hasbro version didn’t make the full…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Titan Returns Leader Class Overlord
Hello Hero Club this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. Before anything else I can say that it is quite “frustrating” how Hasbro and Takara decided to design Overlord. It was a expected that Takara Tomy would make their version of the figure more accurate, however sadly it didn’t turn out to be the case. With that I can personally say that I enjoy Hasbro’s take on the figure much better. Although I don’t have Sky Shadow I can understand why many fans enjoy the mold and…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Siege of Cybertron Week Finale Final Thoughts & Comparisons
Hello Hero-Club this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. To finish off Transformers Siege of Cybertron Week I will be comparing the various figures in this boxset along with showing my final thoughts. The overall set is 50/50 in my opinion since it includes some duds such as Thunderwing due to it only being a Titan Master and the lame Tidal Wave release. The other figures in the set in my opinion are pretty good, although it is a shame that in order to get all the…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Siege of Cybertron Week Day 4 Magnus Prime
Hello Hero Club this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. The final figure in the Transformers Siege of Cybertron box set is none other than Magnus Prime aka Ginrai. From what I can tell this figure is pretty much a straight on repack of the Takara Legends release so it is nice to actually get an affordable Leader Class figure based on a Takara Tomy design. The legs are a bit wonky, although it seems at least on mine it doesn’t suffer from the loose joints…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Siege of Cybertron Week Day 3 Tidal Wave
Hello Hero Club this Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. Moving on day three of Siege of Cybertron Week we will be taking a look at Tidal Wave. Out of all the figures in the set I personally feel this is the weakest especially since it doesn’t really work as an update to the character in my opinion. While the robot mode tries to look like Tidal Wave from Transformers Armada it just doesn’t click in my honest opinion especially since he is no longer composed of…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Siege of Cybertron Week Day 2 Metalhawk
Hello Hero Club is this Darkon633 and continuing on with Siege of Cybertron Week we will now look at Metalhawk. It is quite interesting to see this character get an official release by Hasbro (outside of the Botcon release) especially since this character didn’t make into the original G1 Hasbro toyline. While the choice of using Triggerhappy mold makes sense it isn’t all that accurate, although it does at least work for the character. If you have the Triggerhappy mold then this figure will not have any new surprises. In…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Siege of Cybertron Week Day 1 Pounce
Hello Hero Club this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. Today we will be looking at the BBTS exclusive Transformers Siege on Cybertron box set. The Siege of Cybertron set is filled of hits and misses. I am going to start looking at this box set a little differently this time. I decided to look at figure individually throughout the week. Today we will be looking at Pounce. It is unfortunate that Hasbro decided to put the clones within several box sets since it is great update…
Read MoreReview: Transformers Titan Returns Voyager Class Octone
Hello Hero Club this is Darkon633 and I am back with another toy review. Today we will be looking at the Transformers Titan Returns Voyager Class Octone/ Octane. It is astonishing how long it took Hasbro to get Octane right in any toy line so far. The original Generation One release is pitiful even for G1 standards and the Universe version is much worse in my opinion. With the release of Titan Returns Voyager Class Octane (or Octone for copyright reasons) I personally feel Hasbro has finally given the character…
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