Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 DLC Pack Available Today

Inti Creates has announced that the Azure Striker Gunvolt DLC pack will be available starting today.  The DLC pack will add several new features such as a new game mode, add various missions, a new song, and much more.  Check out the listings below to see what each pack includes.

Surprise, Strikers!

At long last, the update that brings DLC functionality to both Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (and Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack version of GV2 as well) goes live on March 9th in both North America and Europe! There’s loads of new goodies available like a new song, new game mode, extra missions, and more!

Gunvolt 2 DLC List

●New Song – Stratosphere – $0.99 / €0.99

Includes a synth recipe for an item that plays the song Stratosphere by Joule and Lola when 1000+ Kudos are obtained. Additionally, the amount of credits and experience points you earn are increased by 150%!

DLC Stratosphere

●GV1 Song Set #1 – #4 – Each $0.99 / €0.99

・GV1 Song Set #1 : The song Beyond the Blue and Rouge Shimmer by Lumen
・GV1 Song Set #2 : The song Azure Door and Pain of the Past by Lumen
・GV1 Song Set #3 : The song Sakura Efflorescence and A Zip to the Moon by Lumen
・GV1 Song Set #4 : The song Nebulous Clock and Scorching Journey by Lumen

Includes synth recipes for items that play the songs when 1000+ Kudos are obtained. Additionally, the amount of credits and experience points you earn are increased by 150%!

DLC Neb Clock Scor Jour

●Additional Mission Packs – Each $1.99 / €1.89

・Missions – Merak & Carrera
・Missions – Jota & Elise
・Missions – Viper & Stratos

【For Experienced Players】
Two special missions are added to Score Attack Mode that pit you against boss characters from Azure Striker Gunvolt 1!

*Merak & Carrera

DLC Merak Carrera

* Jota & Elise

DLC Jota Elise

* Viper & Stratos

DLC Viper Stratos

・Missions – Ultimate Challenge

【For Azure Striker Gunvolt Super-Pros】
Two extremely difficult missions are added to Score Attack Mode. There may be something good in store for you if you clear them… This is recommended for players who want to experience what Gunvolt and Copen are REALLY made of!

DLC Ultimate Challenge

●Extra Mode – Speedrun Mode – $1.99 / €1.89

【For Intermediate Players】
Challenge yourself to complete the game as fast as you can in this new mode! No Prevasion, synthing or saving allowed!

DLC Speedrun

And there you have it! March 9th is shaping up to be quite a day with Gunvolt 2 DLC and Blaster Master Zero going live at the same time!

Source: Inti Creates

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