What’s going on club members? Happy Friday, we have a new Cosplay Cafe featuring Tranquil Ashes Cosplay. Be sure to follow her social media accounts down below. Also, we’re one episode away before were able to drink. Enough of me talking, enjoy getting to know Tranquil Ashes.
1.What were you like growing up? What were some of the things you were into during you child/teenage years?
I was always a very outgoing, independent child, and participated in a myriad of extra circulars. All thought-out middle and high school I played Basketball, studied and performed Dance, studied Environmental Science, a heavy sketcher (aka I liked to draw! ) played piano, was an Ambassador Girl Scout of America among many other things! It was during this time, probably around 11 when I found Sailor Moon, and that started something that hasn’t stopped yet!
2.Did those things influence who you’re today?
I know that everything I’ve done has influenced me today as I try to use my experiences to better my life and achieve my goals! Being involved in so many different types of things, especially the arts has allowed me to believe I’m capable of doing anything. I’ve always gone with the motto “Jill of all trades” and it truly shows in who am as a person now.
3.Do you have a favorite cosplay you’ve made?
As of right now my Battle Rose Quartz is the most ambitious cosplay I’ve done and of one of my favorite characters ever. I had great friends helping me with the concepts and props. I love my friends! Secondly, my Deadpool Harley Quinn mashup I did because it was the first time I wore a cosplay that was that revealing! It was liberating! 🙂
4.Make-up, one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s always on point when it comes to your cosplays. How do you go about choosing what type of make-up suits the character?
Make-up is definitely something I care very much about when it comes to my cosplays. I think it can make or break a look, and I always want to be able to give myself every opportunity to fully immerse myself within my character. I don’t want my cosplay to wear me lol Make-up actually was something I was doing prior to committing to the idea of being a professional cosplayer. I only hope to grow more in the field in both my own makeup as well as my freelance clientele! I also would love to do more body painting pieces! ART is so cool!
5.Do you have any advice for people who don’t fit a certain body type when it comes to cosplaying?
I admit that, not “fitting in” to certain societal body ideals has been hard and still for me. However I am much more confident in who I am as a person, and what I do and that’s all that really matters. Besides, all bodies are good bodies. I think that the best thing to do is to do it. Don’t listen to anyone who says that you can’t because you absolutely can. Use your body as an opportunity to be different. Yours will present a plethora of artistic license that others won’t have, and it will be uniquely you. It’ll pay off, all of it will.
6.Off topic question, favorite food?
Favorite food would have to be Steak and Potatoes lmao I’ve always preferred hardy and savory meals over sweets, but if I were to eat sweets it would be chocolate covered strawberries, cheesecake, and ice-cream!
7.What is one thing you feel as though the cosplay community needs to improve on?
I think the cosplay community need to work on acceptance. Acceptance across the board. Acceptance for all POC cosplayers, Body Types, Journeys, and efforts. Cosplay is suppose to a for all of us nerdy fabulous people and most of all it’s supposed to be fun! If it isn’t what are we really doing?
8.Patreon! What can people expect from you on that specific platform?
I just recently started my Patreon and I am building up to share makeup, and cosplaying tutorials, fun and cos lewd photo-sets, behind the scenes shots, vids and selfies of my life, and helping you with your journey just like those of you who join would be aiding mine. Basically my nerdy plus size life!
9.Second off topic question, what is something you’re looking forward to this year?
It’s prime convention season so I am looking forward to all of the conventions that are coming up, my next being Colossalcon! Outside of cosplay I am looking forward to the fact my sister is graduating High-School! I’m so proud of her and I can’t wait to celebrate her like she did me!
10.Can you hint at any future cosplay projects?
Colossalcon, will definitely have some Steven Universe, and Aquaman love. I can’t wait to show you!
11.What conventions can people find you at this year?
I hope to be attending, Colossalcon, Blerdcon, Otakon, and New York City Comic-con. So many conventions, so much sewing and armour making to do!!!!
12.Final question, anything you want to say to your fans?
I just hope that I am bringing you something that inspires you to do all the things you want to do! Let’s rock this world together!
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Coming to the cafe next week…I’m not telling so you’ll just have to tune in and find out. Until then, I’m still XBen3000 and I’m out!