Marvel has announced that a new Darth Vader comic series is in the works written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli. The story will take place right after Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and will feature the early years of Darth Vader while working for Emperor Palpatine. One of the biggest reveals about the comic is that the first arc of the series will explain how the powerful Sith Lord got his Lightsaber.
IGN recently had an interview with Charles Soule about his work on the project. Here are some highlights of the interview.
“The book begins one second after the end of Revenge of the Sith. Darth Vader is in the armored suit that we see throughout the rest of his life, most of his life,” Soule explained. “He is just awakening to that moment and that realization. So he has shouted ‘No!’ in the way we see in the film, and then it picks up immediately after that point. So we see him adjusting to that. We see him learning to be more machine than man. We see him going through some really, really cool early moments of his early mythology and history.”
“The first arc is going to revolve around Vader’s construction of his red lightsaber, because at the end of Revenge of the Sith, he obviously loses his blue saber when he gets all chopped up and Obi-Wan takes it to eventually give to Luke down the road. So we end up with a character who is known as having this iconic sword, like his magical red sword, but he doesn’t have it yet. So what better way to start a big huge series than with a quest for a magic sword?” Soule said. “We’re going to explore the mythology around lightsabers to some degree, which will be very fun. I’m really lucky that I get to tell that story. Seems like a big piece of the puzzle for him.”
Camuncoli also had a few words to say about the project.
“I’m trying to write Vader almost like Jason in Friday the 13th. Almost like he’s stalking into a room. We saw some of this at the end of Rogue One. The way he approaches a fight, that was Vader. In Rogue One he’s been doing this for many years. But our is Vader kind of in between. He’s trying to figure out how to use the armor as opposed to the way he fought as a Jedi which was much more somersault-y and things like that,” Soule said of how he’s approaching Vader with his collaborator. “I knew most of Camuncoli’s work through Spider-Man, who he was born to draw. And Spider-Man is someone who’s very acrobatic. And so the interesting thing is seeing him do or draw a character who is almost like a masked truck moving through scenes in a very methodical, unstoppable way. Not that he’s not fast. Not that he’s not powerful, it’s just a different way of movement, a different type of movement. And also, getting the deep emotion into the activities, because you really want to be able to see past that mask and feel what he’s thinking and feeling. You want to feel that rage. When he looks at you, you want to understand that he’s about to choke you to death or if he’s confused, or whatever the emotion is, but yet he’s a man who has no facial expressions. He can’t because he’s behind a mask. And so thank goodness that Camuncoli is drawing it because he’s able to do all those things.”
Marvel will release Darth Vader #1 this June. Those who are interested can check out the full review at the link below.
Source: IGN