It has recently been announced that Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Gaiden manga will resume on February 8. The manga was delayed since last May due to manga creator, Yasuo Ohtagaki, suffering from tenosynovitis.
For those who are not are aware, the manga is a collection of short stories featuring the various mobile suits that are showcased in the Thunderbolt Mechanics magazine. The manga launched on the eBigComic4 website in December 2015 and the second compiled manga was published by Shogakukan in April 2017. The main Gundam Thunderbolt manga series resumed in the Big Comic Superior magazine in December, 2018.
The main Gundam Thunderbolt manga series debuted in the Big Comic Superior magazine in March 2012 and the 12th compiled volume of the manga was published by Shogakukan in July 2018. The manga is currently being published by Viz Media in North America and the ninth volume was released in November 20, 2018.
Source: ANN, Yasuo Ohtagaki Twitter