Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu Ep 69 – Power Rangers & the Not So Visual History Pt 2

Welcome to another all-new episode of Hero Club’s Podcast, “Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu!” Today’s episode is the follow-up to our previous episode. However, due to interesting mishaps this was recording following episode 70 which was originally this episode’s intro. Nevertheless, our hosts, Soundout12 and Wheelchair21, continue to breakdown the Power Rangers: The Ultimate Visual History book. Now, this part wraps up the book spanning from Disney Era’s Ninja Storm to the Neo Saban Era’s Ninja Steel and the Power Rangers film. Things begin to rollover from the previous coverage on the book, and it continues to become even more redundant. However, some interesting tidbits continue to appear, allowing for crazy discussions!

Nevertheless next time on Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu, Mucha returns and Darkon joins the cast to talk about the first leak images for Kishiryu Sentai Ryusouger! Also, please note the upcoming episode was shot in advance due the holiday season affecting our recording schedules.


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Billy “TaJa” Doyle aka Wheelchair21 (Wheelz)
Twitter: @Wheelchair21
Instagram: @TaJa_Doyle

Richard Monty aka Projekt
Twitter: @Projektrdm
Instagram: @Projekt1

Mucha, Janitor Joker aka The GREEN VAPER
Twitter: @JanitorJoker
Toku Warriors: YouTube & FaceBook

Twitter: @Soundout12

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