Good morning heroes, happy Wednesday, as we kick of the day with a review for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112. Previously, we witnessed Mistress Vile win, and now the Power Rangers are in a situation they are not familiar with. As a result, things are only going to worsen for the Power Rangers before they can ultimately save the universe. However, before we jump into this review, we need to thank BOOM! Studios for providing Hero-Club with this copy. So, with the introduction out of the way, let us get…
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[Comic Review] Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1 *Spoiler Free*
Good morning Heroes, today is Monday and we are kicking things off with a spoiler free review! Today, we will be looking at the upcoming one-shot, Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1 which releases this Wednesday. For those unaware, this is a single issue run, but it connects to current events within the main title. However, while this story sets up things for “The Darkest Hour,” it also seems to hint at another possible mini-series. Anyway, we would like to thank Boom! Studios for providing us this review copy, as…
Read More[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #5 *Spoiler Free*
Good morning, Heroes, as today we head into the finale for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II! That is right, we have the final issue in this mini-series, which releases tomorrow, and it has been wonderful run. From this issue we get to see how the Turtles wrap things up in Dimension X. Also, we learn if Angel Grove will survive General Krang’s and Rita Repulsa’s grand invasion. Thankfully, just when all hope seems lost, our heroes find an unexpected to turn the tide in their favor.…
Read MoreTransformers Rise of the Beasts Trailer Streamed
Earlier this morning, Paramount Pictures released a new trailer for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. The latest trailer features a much deeper look at the film and showcases several characters such as Airazor (Michelle Yeoh) and Scourge (Peter Dinklage), just to name a few. Keep in mind this trailer features some major spoilers to the film so watch at your own discretion. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will premiere in theaters on June 9. After seeing the trailer I believe this film looks to be a great follow-up to the…
Read More[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #4 *Spoiler Free*
‘Lights, Camera, and Back to Action’ for the penultimate issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II. Currently, the Mutant Rangers are in dire straits, but a familiar mentor brings new allies to turn the tide. Meanwhile the battle rages in Dimension X, where alliances are formed to stop both, Rita Repulsa and General Krang. Anyway, before jumping into this spoiler free review we would like to thank Boom! Studios for providing Hero-Club this copy. Comic Credits Artist: Dan Mora Colorist: Raúl Angulo Lettering: Ed Dukeshire…
Read More[Interview] Writer & Producer Melissa Flores (Power Rangers, Massive-Verse & More)
Good morning, Heroes, today we have another all-new interview, and our guest is none other than Melissa Flores. Currently, she is best known for her work as a writer for the Power Rangers and the Massive-Verse comics! However, for those unaware, Melissa’s experience with the Power Rangers franchise began as a producer at Saban Brands. Then after leaving the Power Rangers brand, Melissa transitioned into writing comic books, as mentioned earlier. Now, in our interview we discuss her time at Saban Brands, including her involvement with Glitter Force and Digimon Fusion. Also, we ask what was the…
Read MoreExamining the “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always” Trailer
Good morning, Heroes, and all of those who are within the Ranger Nation! It is ZeltraxMillennium here with my own reaction editorial for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always Trailer. For those unaware, Once & Always is a 30th anniversary special coming to Netflix on April 19th. The special feature casts members from all three Mighty Morphin seasons uniting to fight a robotic incarnation of Rita Repulsa. Whereas, for this editorial, I will be giving my thought and opinions on the trailer for the upcoming special. In addition,…
Read MoreMighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always Trailer
Late last night, Netflix decided to finally release the trailer for the Power Rangers 30th anniversary special. As we previously reported, the upcoming special titled, “Once & Always,” is a reunion dedicated to the Mighty Morphin seasons. Additionally, as we have learned the special will focus on all three seasons, mixing the various Rangers actors together. Although, not every possible actor is returning for the special due to rejecting offers, contractual obligations, and/ or controversies. However, we would like to remind everyone that this special was being produced before Jason…
Recently, Boom! Studios sent us a press release for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II Issue 3. Whereas, the issue that is being featured and previewed today is set to release later this month. Yet, for those unaware or behind on this series, keep in mind this may include some spoilers. As a result, we must insist that for readers continuing with the article please do so with some discretion. SHREDDER vs RANGER X in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II #3 Highly Anticipated…
Read MoreTransformers Rise of the Beasts Teaser Trailer Streamed
Paramount Pictures has recently updated their official Youtube channel with the first teaser trailer for Transformers Rise of the Beasts. The trailer showcases several the characters including Optimus Primal (Ron Perlman), Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen), and more. Paramount Pictures provided a short description for the film. Returning to the action and spectacle that have captured moviegoers around the world, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will take audiences on a ‘90s globetrotting adventure and introduce the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons to the existing battle on earth between Autobots and Decepticons. Directed…
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