[Interview] The Anime Couple, Tom & Dorothy Fahn Talk Digimon & More

Hello there Hero-Club faithful, it is time for our second interview of December! Today, we our proud to present our interview with the legendary anime voice acting couple, Tom and Dorothy Fahn. So, during our time with the Fahns, they give us a summary on the early days of anime f.k.a. Japanimation. Specifically, how they along with another anime iconic, Steve Blum, actually got into the industry. Also, we learn how the two became a couple even before their careers took off. Now, a solid chunk of this interview dives…

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Power Rangers Lost Galaxy “Journey’s End” BTS Footage

Hey there Hero-Club, it seems that our friend and associate, Dairenn Lombard found more of his home videos. Whereas, for those who do not remember Dairenn, he was a fan and journalist that visited the Power Rangers sets. Specifically, Dairenn was able to be on set during Power Rangers from In Space to around Lightspeed Rescue. So, Dairenn got to see the filming for various episodes in the franchise, including some series finales. However, before we got to know Dairenn, we and other fans thought he was part of the…

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Power Rangers In Space “Always a Chance” BTS Footage

Hey there Hero-Club, does anyone happen to remember our friend and associate, Dairenn Lombard from a few years ago? Well, if people do recall who Dairenn is, then this recap is not necessary, so jump to the next paragraph. However, for those who do not know Dairenn, this is to bring everyone else up to speed. So, for those unaware, back in 2020-21 we befriended Mr. Dairenn Lombard on social media after he seemingly from nowhere. Specifically, Dairenn began sharing pictures from the Power Rangers sets, so many assumed that…

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[Interview] Writer & Producer Melissa Flores (Power Rangers, Massive-Verse & More)

Good morning, Heroes, today we have another all-new interview, and our guest is none other than Melissa Flores. Currently, she is best known for her work as a writer for the Power Rangers and the Massive-Verse comics! However, for those unaware, Melissa’s experience with the Power Rangers franchise began as a producer at Saban Brands. Then after leaving the Power Rangers brand, Melissa transitioned into writing comic books, as mentioned earlier.   Now, in our interview we discuss her time at Saban Brands, including her involvement with Glitter Force and Digimon Fusion. Also, we ask what was the…

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[Interview] Voice Actor & ADR Director Steve Kramer (Power Rangers, Naruto, Bleach & More)

Today, Hero-Club presents its newest interview during Power Rangers’ Power Week and the lead-up to Power Morphicon 2022! Our guest this time is the legendary voice actor and ADR director, Steve Kramer. Mr. Kramer has been working on anime adaptations since the 80’s, having worked with Harmony Gold and Saban Brands. Also, for a majority of his career in anime voice acting he usually is type cast as the wise old man. Whereas, the best example for this casting would be as the Third Hokage in Naruto or as Captain…

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[Official Images] Juukou B-Fighter B-Commander Complete Edition

Last month, Premium Bandai teased that they would be releasing an updated B-Commander as seen in Juukou B-Fighter. However, North American fans probably recognize this item as the Beetle Bonder from its American adaptation in Big Bad Beetleborgs. Whereas, today we finally have the full details regarding this new version’s release, contents, and functions.   Titled, B-Commander Complete Edition, this item is made in the same vain as the Complete Selection Modification series. As a result, the product will not be exactly the same as the original 1995 deluxe toy…

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Close to the Action, A Power Rangers Fan’s Dream Comes True!

Let’s pretend it is the early 90s, during this time television and physical publications were essential. People required the use of these mediums to acquire their basic information. Whereas, the internet as we would come to know it as of today had just begun in August 1991. However, the fandoms that we would come to love and be a part of were obscure then. Yet, during that period of time we would discover how the internet could be used to connect one another, and become a valued source of information.…

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[Interview] Actor Davi Santos, Power Rangers Dino Charge

Hello there Hero-Club faithful, and welcome to an all-new interview! This time we have managed to snag Power Rangers Dino Charge/ Dino Super Charge’s Davi Santos. In the series, Davi Santos portrays the infamous Knight of Zandar, Sir Ivan, who is better known as the Dino Charge Gold Ranger. Now, in today’s interview we ask Mr. Santos how he started his career, behind-the-scenes on Power Rangers, and his thoughts on its overly active Power Rangers fandom. Nevertheless, let us get on with the interview…   Question 1: Being a first…

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[Interview] Actor & Animator Michael Hollander, VR Troopers’ J.B. Reese

After various technical issues and delays, Hero-Club is proud to present our second interview with a former tokusatsu actor. However, this time we are talking with actor from a Saban Entertainment adaptation. Yet, this person is still associated with Chojinki Metalder, as we are interviewing VR Troopers’ Michael Hollander (formerly Michael Bacon). For those unaware, VR Troopers is the Saban adaptation that combined footage from the Metal Hero series: Chojinki Metalder, Jikuu Senshi Spielban, and Uchu Keiji Shaider. The series ran in broadcast syndication for a total of 92-episodes across…

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[Official Images] Super Mini-Pla Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive Grand Liner

Following the announcement of Super Mini-Pla Victory Robo, Bandai continued to tease that the carrier mecha, Grand Liner was on the horizon. Yet, Bandai overshot expectations as the company announced Super Mini-Pla Grand Liner will release alongside Victory Robo. However, due to its massive size the set is unfortunately a Premium Bandai exclusive. Now, as seen in the series, Grand Liner/ Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue’s Supertrain Megazord, the Super Mini-Pla will allow owners to store Victory Robo within it. In addition, the combined form will feature multiple points of articulation,…

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