[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110 *Spoiler Free*

Happy Wednesday everyone, and today have a spoiler free review for the newest issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Now, we will be looking at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110, which releases today. Additionally, its titled Prelude to Darkest Hour ushering in the event that everything has building up towards this past year. So, let us see how Mistress Vile takes the next step to being closer to finally destroying the Power Rangers. However, before we jump into things, once again Hero-Club thanks BOOM! Studios for providing us this review copy!


Comic Credits

  • Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice
  • Colorist: Raúl Angulo with Jose Enrique Fernández
  • Lettering: Ed Dukeshire
  • Writer: Melissa Flores
  • Designer: Madison Goyette
  • Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
  • Assistant Editor: Kenzie Rzonca
  • Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke (Cover A), Dan Mora (Cover B), Inhyuk Lee & Elizabeth Torque (Cover C), Goñi Montes (Cover D), Bon Bernardo (Cover E), Ivan Tao (Cover F), Taurin Clarke (Cover G), Carlos Dattoli (Cover H)
  • Hasbro Special Thanks to Irvin Ducournau, Tayla Reo, Michael Kelly, and Ed Lane.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 110 issue cover.


Our story picks up with the Safehaven invasion underway, and the Omega Rangers briefly discussing Drakkon’s recent actions. For Trini, she is recounting what Drakkon told, which was to destroy the Master Arch as he left with Kiya. However, Zack does not think that they should believe Drakkon’s orders, believing it to be apart of his own plan. Yet, Trini realizes that Drakkon actually fears what Mistress Vile may do if she manages to acquire a Master Arch. Coincidentally, the panel showing Trini’s realization is wonderful, so props to Di Gianfelice, Angulo, and Fernández for their artwork. Although, before the Omega Rangers can decide to destroy the Master Arch, they are forced to combat the invasion. Also, some villains that we have not seen in a while are revealed to have aligned themselves with Mistress Vile. Yet, for those who have read The Coinless, some of these characters were previously teased for this issue and event.


Unfortunately, from this reveal the book transitions to Earth where Mistress Vile begins to deduce that the Vessel acquired sentience. Especially, when Mistress Vile realizes that the Vessel did not destroy Zordon, and she reveals to Grace his identity. Like with most characters since issue 207, Grace is shocked to learn that the Vessel is Zordon, specifically his body. Yet, I like how this is a nice touch in continuity, as things are happening within minutes of each other. Whereas, for readers like us, it has been several months of waiting to go through each issue to get here. Anyway, Matt appears to rejoin Mistress Vile, and together the group takes their leave of Promethea. Meanwhile, the Power Rangers track Matt to Promethea minutes after they left, and run into an unexpected group. However, without spoiling who they encounter, I will say their interactions being a combination of comedic, and serious tones. Also, I love the panels where things intensify between two characters, for its use of primary colors in the background.


Now, following the conversation with the Rangers’ and their new ‘unexpected allies,’ things focus back on the main team. Here we are met with some infighting between Tommy, and Kimberly as thing have been rocky for them lately. Yet, with everything going on regarding Mistress Vile, tension is at an all-time and the Rangers can taste defeat coming. In addition, as readers we can really see the seeds that writer Melissa Flores planted begin to come into bloom. Like since this arc begun, with all the good and bad happening, we see how human the Rangers are. As a result, it is reminder that the Power Rangers are people, specifically teenagers, and they are not perfect individuals. So, with the Darkest Hour coming, I am expecting that it will push the Rangers’ limits and test their maturity.


Anyway, returning to the story at hand, Mistress Vile and company arrive at their desired location. However, when I saw ‘it,’ I laughed, since the area is known for being a mythical and paranormal hotspot. At least, with the stories we know, but it is cool seeing ‘it’ be something in the Power Rangers universe. Like if there was a location on Earth for a Master Arch to be, it would have to be ‘here.’ Whereas, as Mistress Vile begins to finalize her plan there is an interesting exchange between her and Grace. Specifically, Grace calls Mistress Vile out for all of her flaws while focusing on Rita’s daddy issues, and lives. Also, Grace goes onto give advice to Matt regarding his current actions and forgiving himself, which I really loved seeing. Like Matt’s arc as the Green Ranger is similar to Tommy, but very much different at the same time. So, it will be hard to see if Matt will be able to forgive himself after everything is resolved. Especially, since in this timeline, Matt is the first Power Ranger with his identity being publicly known. As a result, I can only hope the people of Angel Grove will be understanding towards the mind control part.


Finally, we return to Safehaven, and the Omega Rangers are trying their best to combat the invasion. Thankfully, the ‘unexpected allies’ arrive on the scene to provide assistance, but they realize Mistress Vile is not there. However, the Mighty Morphin team has located Mistress Vile, but they are too slow and too late to do anything. As a result, Mistress Vile uses her powers combined with the Zeo Crystal and Master Arch to unleash Dark Specter. So, the Darkest Hour commences, and I do not know what will happen in the next year’s worth of books. Although, I am excited for this event to finally be here, even though I was somewhat hesitant during its announcement. Whereas, with the television series going on hiatus after Cosmic Fury, the comics will become the focus for the franchise. So, this event should be a great way to hook new readers, if fans are not already supporting the comics. Nevertheless, I cannot wait to see things for Darkest Hour to fully go into effect in issue 111 next month!


Final Score: 5 out of 5 Power Coins



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