[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 121 *SPOILER WARNING*

Good morning, Heroes, and happy Wednesday, as today is another great day and week for new comics. Now, as some can expect, today we have a comic book review for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 121. Currently, we are winding down to the end of the Darkest Hour, which concludes with two books next month. Specifically, the penultimate issue in this arc MMPR 122, and the finale, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #1. Then with those releases it marks the end of the current run for Mighty Morphin Power…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 119 & 120 *SPOILER WARNING*

Good morning, Heroes, today we have comic book double feature review with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issues 119 and 120. So, it will be a longer read than usual, but we need to discuss 119 after skipping it in April. Now, for those unaware, we are building towards the end of The Darkest Hour, and the comic series’ current run. As a result, I am really looking forward to seeing how everything will wrap up, as I have no clue. Currently, there are a few theories though, but I cannot…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #118 *SPOILER WARNING*

Happy Wednesday, Heroes, we got the next installment in Boom! Studios’ Power Rangers event The Darkest Hour! So, that means we are going to review it before issue 118, hits shelves later today. Currently, our heroes are in a desperate situation where things can either improve, or worsen at this given point. Yet, hopefully that White Tiger Power Coin proves to turn the tides in some possible way. Anyway, before we actually dive into this issue, we have to thank Boom! Studios for providing us this review issue.   Comic…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #117 *SPOILER WARNING*

Happy Wednesday, Heroes, we are back to discuss the next installment of Boom! Studios’ the Darkest Hour. Especially, since we are looking at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers issue 117 which releases today. Now, unlike the recent bleak issues, today’s story seems to be bringing us some hope to turn the tide. Also, like our recent reviews this will article contain spoilers, so please proceed reading with discretion. So, with this introduction out of the way, let us deep dive into what exactly happens with issue 117!   Comic Credits Artist:…

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[Comic Review] Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters *SPOILER WARNING*

Happy Wednesday heroes, as we start to transition from January to February, we normally receive annual issues for comic books. However, this time we are getting an all-new issue of Power Rangers Unlimited, which is centered on the Morphin Masters. Now, while fans can start with this title without reading previous issues, I would still recommend MMPR 116 for more context. Especially, since it will give some context to the current situation being discussed in this special issue. Also, thanks to Boom! Studios for providing Hero-Club this review copy yet…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114

Good morning heroes, today is another Wednesday, so new comic titles are hitting stands right now. Currently, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114 is one of the releases for today, and this is our review for it. However, we are going to switch things up, and discuss the issue more in-depth, so this will not be spoiler free! As a result, please keep in mind that when progressing further fans should read this at their own discretion. So, for those wanting to avoid spoilers, we suggest returning to this review after…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #113 *Spoiler Free*

Good morning heroes, as today we are starting off with a review for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #113. Now, for those wondering, the issue releases tomorrow and this is an advance copy provided to us by Boom! Studios. As a result, we will try to avoid heavy spoilers, as our title implies, but some details will be explored. However, most longtime readers should already know what to expect from our spoiler free reviews here at Hero-Club. Anyway, in the last review, most of the Mighty Morphin’ team managed to regroup…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112 *Spoiler Free*

Good morning heroes, happy Wednesday, as we kick of the day with a review for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112. Previously, we witnessed Mistress Vile win, and now the Power Rangers are in a situation they are not familiar with. As a result, things are only going to worsen for the Power Rangers before they can ultimately save the universe. However, before we jump into this review, we need to thank BOOM! Studios for providing Hero-Club with this copy. So, with the introduction out of the way, let us get…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 *Spoiler Free*

Good morning, Heroes, today we have a spoiler free review for issue 111 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. As the latest issue, it is the first chapter of this yearlong saga which is being called the Darkest Hour. Now, Mistress Vile has won, as she controls the Morphin Grid and Dark Specter’s infection spreads throughout the universe. Originally, I was not interested in this event, but I slowly began to look forward to what will happen. So, finally we have our first glimpse of what this universe will look like,…

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[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110 *Spoiler Free*

Happy Wednesday everyone, and today have a spoiler free review for the newest issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Now, we will be looking at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110, which releases today. Additionally, its titled Prelude to Darkest Hour ushering in the event that everything has building up towards this past year. So, let us see how Mistress Vile takes the next step to being closer to finally destroying the Power Rangers. However, before we jump into things, once again Hero-Club thanks BOOM! Studios for providing us this review…

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