Recently, Premium Bandai has updated with an order page for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Gokai Cellular -Memorial Edition-. Following the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Memorial Mobirates, this release will feature new features such as BGMs. Also, the device will feature newly recorded sounds by Junya Ikeda (Gai Ikari/ Gokai Silver). Additionally, this version will feature better LEDs, and a modified “scanner bar,” which will be quieter this time around. Furthermore, the device will include various keys including a special key, which seems to be based on Twokaiser from Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger. Then another thing included with this release is a display stand. Now, keep in mind just the Ranger Keys released within the Memorial Edition products may not be compatible with the original DX toys.
The BGMs include:
- Hagane No Kokoro Gokai Silver (Steel Heart Gokai Silver)
- Gingin ni Iku ze! (I’m Going To Shine!)
- Kansei! GouJyuJin (Complete! GouJyuJin)
- Kaizoku no Hokori o Kakete (The Pride of the Pirates)
The Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Gokai Cellular -Memorial Edition- will include:
- Gokai Cellular
- Gokai Silver Ranger Key
- Dragon Ranger Key
- Abare Killer Ranger Key
- Time Fire Ranger Key
- Special Ranger Key
- Gold Anchor Key
- Pedestal
Pre-orders for the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Gokai Cellular -Memorial Edition- will open on February 25, and with orders set to close on July 11. Whereas, the item will be released this September, and orders are priced at 11,000 Yen. So, for those who are interested in purchasing this item, they should contact their preferred middleman for more details.
Source: Premium Bandai