In a surprising twist of fate, Tamashii Nations has announced a brand new S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou release for the GARO line, the Dark Knight known as Kiba. Previous GARO S.H.Figuarts releases only included variations of Golden Knight Garo and Silver Knight Zero. Now, Dark Knight Kiba has received three figures prior to this one from Equip and Prop, Makai Kado and SIC Kiwami Tamashii. However, this is Kiba‘s first S.H.Figuarts release. S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Ankoku Kishi (Dark Knight) Kiba will be released in April 2020 for 9990 yen via Premium Bandai’s Tamashii Web Shop.
Figure contents:
- 3 Sets of Hands
- Koukouken (Black Flame Sword)
- Ankoukuzan (Darkness Slash
Those interested in obtaining the Horror-eating Makai Knight should contact their preferred middleman service. Pre-orders open tomorrow, October 24, 2019 at 4:00 pm JST.
Personally speaking, I am floored by this announcement as I never expected Bandai to go beyond Garo and Zero for their S.H.Figuarts Garo line, as they have never gotten beyond the two main leads. I certainly hope that releasing Kiba is a sign of Bandai willing to give fans other Makai Knights in the line. I am personally hoping to see Dan and Crow in the future. I want to support any future Makai Knights that this line provides.
Source: Premium Bandai