The official Ultraman anime Twitter page has updated with the announcement that OLDCODEX will be performing the theme song for the upcoming anime titled, “Sight Over The Battle.”
For those who are not aware, the series is an anime adaptation of Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi’s Ultraman manga series. The manga series debuted in Hero’s Monthly in November 2011. The manga series serves as a sequel to the original 1966 Ultraman live-action series.
In addition, the staff for the series also revealed official suit design visuals for Seven.
Netflix provided a description for the series.
Several years have passed since the events of Ultraman, with the legendary “Giant of Light” (光の巨人 Hikari no Kyojin) now a memory, as it is believed he returned home after fighting the many giant aliens that invaded the Earth. Shin Hayata’s son Shinjiro seems to possess a strange ability, and it is this ability, along with his father’s revelation that he was Ultraman, that leads Shinjiro to battle the new aliens invading the Earth as the new Ultraman.
The Linebarrels of Iron team launched their manga series based on Tsuburaya Production’s most famous live-action special-effects hero in Monthly Hero’s magazine in 2011.
The Ultraman anime series will premiere on Netflix worldwide on April 1.
Source: ANN, Moca News, Ultraman Anime Twitter