Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my video celebrating twenty five years of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time which was released on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. To say Ocarina of Time changed how games were made is an understatement. You can, more or less, see how 3D games were programmed pre and post-Ocarina of Time. I know that with all of the praise this games receives that also means there is the inevitable backlash as well and while it isn’t perfect, OoT is…
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TWK Reviews Episode 68: Otaku Time With NJPW Tōhkon Road 2
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my latest video, NJPW Tōhkon Road 2: The Next Generation which was developed by Yuke’s (WWE SmackDown/AEW Fight Forever) and published by Hudson (Bomberman/Mario Party) and yes, this is indeed quite the combination to release a game for the Nintendo 64. One of my favorite parts of playing these wrestling games from Japan is that it allows me to see the world of pro wrestling outside of the WWE bubble and I can not help but feel like that’s something every fan…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 67: EA Enters the Ring with WCW Mayhem
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here, and welcome to my review of Electronic Arts’ debut in the world of professional wrestling video games aka WCW Mayhem. Yes, we’re talking about THAT EA. The one that forced microtransactions into games. The one who many believe to be the most evil video game company in the world although I personally think that Activision-Blizzard have been doing one heck of a job catching up in that department. However, I digress, as not only is this EA’s initial WCW game but also the first without…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 65: A Quick Look at Pokémon Stadium 2
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my review of Pokemon Stadium 2 which was released for the Nintendo 64 back in the year 2000 (insert Conan O’Brien reference here). During this time, Pokemania was running about as rampant as anything could possibly could. If you were alive during this time then you knew the term, “Pokemon” or as many called it, “Pokie-mon”. With the franchise at a fever pitch, there was not only the main handheld games, a super popular anime, and movies, but of course there had…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 64: The Ups and Downs of Super Mario 64
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my review of the game that changed everything as we knew it, Super Mario 64 which was released in 1996 as the debut game for the Nintendo 64. Prior to this entry, Mario games were seen as relatively simple affairs. You’d go from left to right, reach the end of the stage, and repeat until you finished the game. Sure, there would be a secondary path or two that would lead you to an alternate exit but that was about it. Here…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 63: The Simple Genius of Star Fox 64
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my review of the 1997 Nintendo 64 classic, Star Fox 64! I cannot tell you how many hours of my childhood were lost playing this one over and over and over again and it’s a shame that they just don’t make games like this anymore and by they I do specifically mean Nintendo. It really does feel like the Nintendo 64 was the era of perfecting a lot of what they were doing on the SNES between this, Zelda, and a game…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 62: The Game Changing Virtual Pro Wrestling 64
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here, and if you’re a fan of professional wrestling then you already know that we’ve had a really, really rough week with the recent losses of both Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt so hopefully, this video will be a nice dosage of positivity for you all. First, a background on this one, this is Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 which is the Japanese port of the classic game, WCW vs nWo World Tour. Yes, we got the game first for once! Nevertheless, in this video I will…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 61: Revisiting Mystical Ninja
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my newest video wherein I will be revisiting Mystical Ninja starring Goemon. For those that may not know, this is my second video on the game and there is a great reason why, but we’ll save that for the video proper. For now, let’s discuss what the heck this game is. Mystical Ninja is a 3D platformer released for the Nintendo 64 in North America all the way back in the year of our lord and savior, Hiroshi Tanahashi, 1998. It was…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 55: Ocarina of Time Minigames
Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my video regarding the mini-games from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 or in this case, the Nintendo Switch’s Online Expansion Pass. Mini-games have always been one of my favorite parts of video games in general, let alone the Legend of Zelda franchise which houses some very memorable ones including what you’ll see in this video. How well do they hold up after twenty plus years? Only one way to find out and that’s to play them…
Read MoreTWK Reviews Episode 46: Racing Through Mario Kart 64 on the Nintendo Switch
Hello there everyone, TDub here once again with another video game review. This time I am looking at Mario Kart’s debut into the world of three dimensions, Mario Kart 64! Now, believe it or not, Mario Kart is 25 years old which means it might be older than Hero-Club’s audience. So, please excuse me whilst I start yelling at some clouds like a typical old man. Anyway, I will not be looking at the original Mario Kart 64, but the version available through Nintendo Switch Online. As a result,…
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