Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu Ep 90 – LIT VS LuPat: A Super Sentai Series Review

Welcome to an all-new episode of Hero Club’s first original podcast, “Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu!” Today’s episode is our review for the previous Super Sentai series, Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger. The series is unique as it features two Sentai teams facing off with one another, using the motif of cops vs robbers. In addition, to the teams fighting one another they have to combat the inter-dimensional mafia known as Ganglers, who possess the highly sought after Lupin Collection. Nevertheless, this series review features Wheelchair21, Soundout12, and Visibleninja…

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Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu Ep 39 – Overdrive Accelerate to PMC

Welcome to an all-new episode of “Los Ingobernables de Tokusatsu!” For nearly a month we have been away to reschedule and pre-recording our discussion segments all due to Soundout12’s new semester. That means episodes may open with Wheelz, Projekt, or even Visibleninja. Never the less, this week we are looking at the various Super Sentai news, and Power Rangers news. In addition, we will be discussing the good and the bad about about Power Rangers Operation Overdrive. Operation Overdrive was the 15th anniversary of the series, and played apart to…

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