Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger Episode 40 & 41 review

It is cold outside, and loosily adds to my terrible ability to procrastinate. Yet, again I will double-up the episodes into a double-feature review for the day! Episode 40 put a twist on the “bullied kid fights back” plot, with the victim seemingly wanting to become a bully himself. Now, this becomes a Leo centered episode, where he trains the boy and hopes the boy will use the new strength wisely. However that does not go according to plan! When the boy doesn’t do as Leo taught him, Leo put’s himself in harms way…

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December Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger Scans *Spoilers*

Recently the December scans for Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger have surfaced online, which features the events that will happen in the show next month. *Keep in mind this article contains spoilers so read at one’s own discreet.* As the series is leading into the final fight,  the Deathgalian leaders will enter the battle themselves.  In a surprising term of events, Quval will betray the Deathgalian in order to help the Zyuoghers defeat Genis. In order to combat the Zyuoghers,  Genis will transform into his final form, Shin Genis. Later, the Zyuoghers will be able to use Bard’s cube starting…

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